Established in 2003, APPELLATE INNOVATIONS is a comprehensive appellate service provider, dedicated to providing our clients with dependable and courteous service and the highest quality appellate filing experience.
We pride ourselves in using the latest technologies to manage your appeal – from having an unprecedented 24-48 hour turnaround in the preparation of your fully bookmarked record/appendix to offering CourtWatch to keep you apprised of important decisions and argument dates related to your appeal. We use state-of-the-art digital imaging together with the highest quality printers, ink, and paper available, ensuring your hard copies reflect the same professionalism as your electronic filings.
While some things can and should be modernized, we prefer to keep others a bit more old school. Our customer service philosophy is all about Relationships Responsiveness and Results. We know your appeal is important to you and we want you to know it is important to us too. When you work with Appellate Innovations, we consider ourselves an extension of your appellate team. That relationship is built on trust. You can trust that we will handle your appeal with the utmost care. From inception to filing to oral argument, we know that time is valuable and are always responsive and available to answer your questions and make the complexities of appellate practice easy to navigate. You have a winning brief to write and an argument to prepare for; let us take the stress out of the filing process and together we will achieve the results you demand.