11 Oct Keeping Apprised of Court Changes and Calendar Dates
{1:00 minute to read} One role of Appellate Innovations is to keep clients and attorneys apprised of court changes, rules, and calendar dates. For example, the First Department recently published new term calendar dates going forward to 2017.
Also, as of June 22nd of this year, the United States Court of Appeals issued new rules about the word length of briefs. In an earlier blog post, Appellate Innovations discussed the rules about word count for briefs. By adopting this new rule, the Court of Appeals is more in line with the Appellate Divisions.
As an appellate service provider, Appellate Innovations helps attorneys keep on top of issues like this, which they can inadvertently overlook because these kinds of changes do not happen that often and attorneys may not be able to find exactly where this information is stated on the Court websites.
If you have any questions, please contact Liza Bobo at Appellate Innovations.
Liza Bobo
3 Barker Avenue, 2nd Floor
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 948-2240
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